>>27333023Not my favorites, but certainly up there. I just like how alien and impersonal these psychic meteors seem. Just imagine when they were first discovered and used in combat.
A trainer in green stands on a platform overlooking the arena, the surrounding stadium filled with people. He's down 5-3 and his opponent still has his ace, a machamp on the field. Taking a breath, he throws out his final pokemon into the arena.The ball opens in a flash of light to reveal a vaguely sun shaped meteorite. At first the crowd doesn't know what to make of this object, and some wonder if it is even a pokemon. However, the meteorite soon proves its status as a lifeform, and it begins to hover into the air. The enemy trainer eyes his opponent and sneers. "A rock type? Hah! Show em how we treat rock types around here Machamp. Mach punch!" The fighting type launches towards the extraterrestrial, all four fists ready to end the fight once and for all. Before it stops. Every muscle in Machamp's body clenches up as a low drone echoes through the stadium. Soon, the machamp falls to the floor, wracked with convulsions. The enemy trainer quickly recalls his fainted pokemon. As he reaches for his next pokeball, he tries to figure out how to handle the rocky creature which is currently floating above the battlefield. The solrock hovers in place, emotionlessly awaiting its next opponent.