>>40331064>What are you currently hunting and how are you hunting it?Any shiny in HG for badge Quest via REs, and SRing for shiny Xurkitree in UM. Should have brought more mons (was just taking a break from egg hatching) so the Xurkitree I DID find swept my Synch mon and my Talonflame. Beast Balls didn't even shake both times. Oh well.
>What was the last shiny you caught?Shiny Bellsprout in the HG. Hoping I get a Leaf Stone to evolve it into a Victreebel.
>Should I bake a tres leches cake or a custard cake for my mom's birthday?Custard sounds pretty good.
>Are you doing a shiny living dex? If so, how far along are you?I don't have the patience to do so, so no.
>Which shiny legendary Pokemon is your favorite? Have you caught it yet?Really love Manaphy's shiny, wish it was easier to get.
>How would you rate the previous posters' favorite shiny legends out of 10?Shiny Mew a cute/10 If Manaphy wasn't my favorite color Mew would be my favorite shiny legend.