I decided I'm gonna start posting on these threads. I've actually been doing a full series nuzlocke randomized for a little bit, and beat Red and Green, but just kinda browsed the threads.
I asked someone on another thread for a naming theme and the first reply I got was FNAF, so I'm gonna go with FNAF.
I chose my starter based on the last digit on my ID, and ended up with Bonnie the Nidorino. I just got through Green with a Nidoking, but I love this line so I can't complain!
>>54836608Hell yeah. Carry that Togepi. Togekiss kicks ass.
>>54836621Yeah, forget restarting man. You always end up with a cool new team. Nuzlocking is all about adapting.
>>54840156Damn, lots of Pokerus ITT