>>26953878>fav Pokémon gameProbably BW2, Black 2 specifically. Or maybe White. Those were my favorite from a while back, but I don't really care to label my "favorite" too much.
>least favDiamond/Pearl. I hate everything about it, at least in comparison to other Pokémon games. Not that it's objectively bad, but I subjectively loathe it more than any other game in the franchise.
>Favorite PokémonPic related. I was undecided for a long time, (Nidoking used to be my fav, but idk. Just stopped.) but this guy was the star of a recent Wonderlocke run in X. I loved using him, and he died in it, but he cemented his place in my favorites list by then.
>Do you still watch the tv show?I stopped at the beginning of gen 4, and don't regret it. I wasn't a serious lover of the series at the time anyway, but whatever. I did, however, recently watch the Hoopa movie on Netflix, and it was entertaining.
>That is allThat is all