>>48108628>Then there'd be even less of a point in taking it. Not to mention the other factors.Why would there be, when we've seen the results in real time? The less affluent countries who have less access to the vaccine are worse off in this pandemic and are also at risk of producing mutated variants, which has already happened.
Getting a large proportion of society vaccinated and resistant to the pandemic with only an occasional booster shot is a much better place to be.
>The quarantines were justified on a 0-tolerance basis, so I expect the "solution" to be up to par. If suddenly probabilities matter then we should stop worrying about hte virus altogether.This is the most retarded thing I've seen all thread. Lockdowns were shown to be by far the most effective solution in stemming new infections. There would've been a lot more people dead if we hadn't, and the countries who were resistant or delayed too long ended up regretting doing so.
>That's like the bare minimum, shouldn't even be worth mentioning.But it is worth mentioning, because that hospital bed that you're occupying by so selfishly exercising your "freedumbs" could've gone to another patient in dire need of it. Hospitals are overrun because so many covid patients alongside traditional patients.
>So the same environment as last year?No, the surge would've been far worse had there been no vaccinations at all. Many more would be dead, but I guess that just isn't worth mentioning, huh? We'd also likely be in deep lockdowns with no vaccine.