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Been talking about what happens if you throw an Umbreon out of the window. This is my take on it:
>Bored, bored, bored.
>"Hey, Nightshade!" you poke your Umbreon, >half-asleep next to you.
>"Umrr?" the yellow-ringed foxbunny doesn't even spare you a glance.
>"I believe you can fly!"
>And, apparently, that's somewhat true. Turns out, if you punt an Umbreon out of a 5th floor window, all the frantic air-grasping looks pretty close to an oversized hummingbird.
>And then you see him impact the ground. Not hard enough to crach the concrete, but my that's a satisfying thump!
>And a heavy glare up, straight at you.
>Oh well, Nightshade's the best wall on your team, it's nothing more than a small prank. He'll be back in a moment, unharmed. And you're slightly less bored now.
>You're still looking out of the window when you hear the door being opened--
>And have just enough time to feel the spike of Normal type energy behind you and start turning before you get impacted by the angry 30 kg furry comet, shoving you right out of the window.
>Now it's your turn to flail your extremities in vain, plummeting down to the same spot your Umbreon has just umpact-visited. And is visiting again now, but this time with you to act as a cushion.
>The impact is brutal. Your spine has at least 3 fractures, that leg's definitely a write-off, a couple of ribs got cracked, you have bruised the whole you...
>And then Wish resolves, knitting you back together.
>Still shaken, you focus on Nightshade, who's still face to face with you, smile rivaling that of a Sylveon.
>"On," he states, clearly not intending to get off you anytime soon.