Quoted By:
>league conference winners are never shown fighting the elite four
>league conference apparently ends after a winner is declared and everyone goes home
>some conference leagues have 1v1 preliminaries while other leagues have 3v3 preliminaries
>Elite 4 members are shown challenging the regional champion at random intervals throughout the year because, apparently, any E4 membercan challenge the regional champion whenever they feel like it
>some leagues have 6v6 matches only in the final 3 rounds while other leagues have 6v6 matches start in the final 6 rounds
>Hoenn was the only region to have conference rounds involving double battles
>OS and XY show that league conferences are a yearly thing that gives trainers a time limit to earn 8 badges in a year, yet the anime still acts as if Ash is 10 years old.
Fuck the anime writers and their inconsistent leagues.