>>12573073I resumed my pacing, "Now, you may be wondering, just what's so bizarre about this island? What if I told you it had something to do with why everyone has been so sleepy recently?"
Everyone looked at each other, and began to notice that indeed, bags were under some passenger's eyes. As if by some upper calling, they all yawned at that moment.
"It is not coincidence. It all started when the murder mystery theater play began. A bunch of mist was shot out of a few cannons, cannons worked on by Scrafty, the ship's mechanic."
Everyone turned to Scrafty, some jumping to conclusions.
"The mist was no normal mist, but
Dream Mist. Since everyone was in the theater, we all fell under its powerful, tempting affects. Scrafty inserted Dream Mist into the cannons to put everyone under a sleep-induced hallucination. This also feeds into as to why I directed everyone way on the water."
I stopped my pacing a second time.
"Simple. That is because
we are not on Glavacados. We never were to begin with."
Another gasp. God, those never get old.
"This entire time we were led to believe that we were on the ship, the S.S.S Spookadook, en route to the island of Glavacados for a vacation. While this is true, it was only up until the murder mystery began."
"The murderer had bargained a piece of an old Skypian map from Pancham in exchange for scrap metal, which Pancham in turn pawned off to Pawniard. This Skypian map was the very key to this puzzle. The murderer needed to keep us in the dark in order to search for Skypia's treasures, only coaxing certain people into doing the dirty work for him, and then silencing them if they got too far. The murderer was the only one to tell reality from hallucination, however, there were some faults."