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Ok so after much testing things have finally clicked and I think I finally have a team idea thats going to let me catch shiny regice in a dive ball. The formula is
1 sleeper
1 level 100 false swiping pokemon
4 pokemon with a leppa berry with trick. That gives regice 40 additional PP and with all the extra sleep turns possibly 60-70 extra ball throws by itself
The sad thing with this is even then regice could still end up killing itself with struggle. I almost want to add 6 turns of using flash just to keep it from being able to fire off struggle all the time if it happens, but i'm not sure if I want to go that route
Anyways need to plant leppa berries this whole weekend before I try this so we'll have to see next weekend if I catch this thing
I'm going to look for shiny moltres today. I"ll let you guys know if I find anything. Happy hunting everyone.