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God I miss X/Y bros. So many things that went right are overlooked because people can't look past the bad writing, Zygarde, the power plant, and Exp Share.
>snappy d-pad running
>variety of "seasons" throughout the region not requiring real time
>chain fishing and horde shinies
>had largest regional dex
>seeing the beach way up from the museum cliff
>amie mini-games
>battle maison trophies
>daily rival rematch + pangoro hat
>trainer PV's
Competitive online was essentially a game of its own:
>berry farm with several rows of trees in one place to easily get a surplus to help others
>legit players can farm restaurants to level up 5 things at once + money
>all those friend safari threads and people raging hard enough about a shit safari to reset their 3DS to get a new friend code
>long, uninterrupted, straight line from daycare to town to start of the other route and the lamp post
>use the glow of a friend's o-power
>reset bags instead of needing to mash A for 50 berries
>talk through profile messages or be a fag with shoutouts
>announce a multiplayer interaction for friends and acquaintances to join
>aegislash /vp/ event distribution
>2ch x 4chan wonder trading
>Happy Birthday!
I got my full price 3DS game money's worth out of online, but for only single player there are some glaring issues:
>irredeemable story
>eternal floette eternally undistributed
>kalos starter, kanto starter, lucario, and legendary are 4 guaranteed slots for completely new players, 5 if they knew about sylveon marketing
>mega lucario or mega starter against every 1-2 pokemon trainers
>exp share makes the game too easy
>champion is too easy
The bad writing and baby difficulty is awful for returning players, but being so easy is a good entry for completely new players who want a braindead experience (meant as a compliment in this context) to see if they want to invest time into competitive battling or games that make them think.