>>21896720Victory Road is unchanged. Let's do the Elite Four!
We start with Crystal; she uses Venomoth/Poliwrath/Dewgong/Lapras/Gyarados, Gyarados at Lv. 78.
After that, we have Bruno (no name change), with Hypno/Dragonite/Alakazam/Gengar/and tops it with "Poltergost" at Lv. 83. It starts out with a lower HP than maximum similar to Skebutops having more HP than maximum. It also can be hit by Wrap so it's not actually a Ghost-type, though it resists Poison.
So far every Pokémon has increased in level by 1 without exception.
We follow it up with a battle against Oak. He uses Raichu/Venusaur/Blastoise/Charizard/Mewtwo, Mewtwo at Lv. 88. Upon beating him, Oak tells me he doesn't know who the final E4 member is.
I get to the next room and it's my boss, Giovanni. Seeing how the curve was raising really quick I used my eight Rare Candies and got Snek up to Lv. 98, now or never.
Giovanni comes at me hard with Rhydon/Dugtrio/Kangaskhan/Nidoqueen/Nidoking, the king being at Lv. 93.
I beat him and he tells me my rival has beaten the Elite Four as well, and to battle her in the next room to find who will be his heir.