>>21339271Route 1's music is Route 101's; there's two paths you can take, one naturally being a dead end.
Items: Antidote, Paralyz Heal. DICKS reaches Tropica Town (or something like that), and there's not much to note; the music for the town is Route 201's theme. The PokeCenter music is a remix of Kanto's Pokemon Gym theme, the Mart is D/P/Pt's Mart music. I've noticed that both facilities were rather desolate, no NPCs to talk to. A lonely world indeed.
I went to the Pokemart on a whim, because I wanted to see if they sold Pokeballs. After I buy a few, I decide to go into Oak's lab since some jackass is blocking a nearby building's entrance. The only person in there is an Aide doing god knows what in the corner, and he tells me OAK is on Route 1. I guess he had an invisibility cloak?
Taking a step into Route 1 triggers an actual cutscene, where Oak is being threatened by an Ekans. Without any dialogue aside from "Help!", DICKS rushes to fight and capture the Ekans. Pokedex get; I also get the "PokeNav/Etch" of the region, which functions as a badge case, mp3 player (for around seven songs) and an unknown feature.
I run into a Shinx on Route 2 and capture it; it's female, level 5. Feel free to name it.