>>12559201Garbodor thought about it, and then blinked, he reached his fingers into one of his fat folds and retrieved a litter-laced piece of paper, "Aha! There we are. Well, since you two are so curious, I'll go ahead and tell you what I've learned so far, this here's a combination of what I didn't tell you earlier, and what I learned while on the cruise doing some chit-chatting of my own..."
He cleared his throat, and spat out a banana peel.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqNbkoXsrfQ"It turns out, the former kingdom of Skypia was based on two ideals, the one of Education and Self-Awareness of the things around them, and the one of Religion and following what they thought the gods thought was right. These ideals were divided into two sides, the humans believed in religion and were perfectly content with doing what they always did without problem or fear."
"I learned recently that Pokemon lived in this time too, and that the humans weren't alone. According to the translated scriptures I read online, each human had a Piplup, both sides were expected to treat each other with mutual respect, much like the trainer-Pokemon stuff that was going on before the War caused those guys to go extinct. Humans treated the Piplups like they were brothers, and vice-versa. Sometimes Humans would provide the Piplups a home, care for them, feed them, sometimes it was the other way around, the Piplups even provided the water supply for the flying kingdom. Both sides had homes of equivalent quality, no one had an advantage over the other. However, the Piplups were interested in technology and advancing their floating civilization."