>Herdier vs. Dimgray>Dimgray gets intimidated, but that don't effect Air Cutter which Crits, leaving Herdier on 45%. Dimgray gets leered in return>Herdier misses Take Down and Dimgray gets Herdier in red.>Herdier heals and Dimgray misses Air Cutter>Dimgray crits again and survives on 2hp after taking a Take Down>Dimgray finishes Herdier>I decide to send out Cinnabar against Watchog, who hypnotizes instead of retaliating. Cinnabar snacked on his Chesto and responded with a post-food Yawn.>Cinnabar and Watchog leer at eachother.>Watchog naps whilst Azure comes in.>Azure gets Retaliated, and responds with a crit Razor Shell ending the battle.Wew.
>>42813517Good team! Good luck on your travels. You did forget the Fog Badge though. I hope Scyther will live to become Scizor
>>42810556Good luck, and with Chiko as starter you'll need it.