>>27257456>tfwRedone Kanto games are announce with the full Gen 7 engine. After you beat the Elite Four you get two options on a black screen...
>Train some more!>See where this adventure leads you...Second option, screen fades to black and you wake up in New Bark Town and play through the Johto games in Gen 7's Engine.
You climb Mt. Silver and face Red, but his name is your name in your Kanto journey and his team is the team you beat the Kanto Elite Four with. After you beat Red the screen fades to black
>"...">"Would you like to hear my story?">Yes>NoHitting no makes you stay in Johto
>"Any time you want to listen, let me know."Hitting yes takes you back to where you left off after defeating the Elite Four in Kanto. Talking to Prof Oak takes you back to the Johto timeline
>"I see great things in your future, do you?">Yes>Idk (stays in Kanto)