Quoted By:
>Find shiny Zubat playing Crystal
>Find shiny Braviary in Pokémon White
>Get shiny Beartic during in-game Pokémon X playthrough
>Find shiny Mr. Mime, Goldeen, and Lapras in a row in Pokémon X
>Fish chain for 3 different shinies
>Find shiny Dunsparce in Diamond
>Find shiny Zubat while playing Sapphire
>Find two shines in a row while horde training in ORAS, find a third a few encounters later after
>MM shiny pentaperfect Ghastly in 4 eggs
>MM shiny Electrike in 2 eggs
>Electrike not HP Ice, tossed out
>Inadvertently get about a half-dozen shinies in Ultra Wormholes, since the rates were made piss-easy
>People STILL have not found any shinies bar red Gyarados