Part 59: Directory: F stands for fate.----------------------------------------------------------------------------->"Calem..">"I'd like to speak with you right away. There's a town beyond Anistar that goes by the name of Couriway, it has no gym but its significance resonates deeply with me. I think it's the perfect rendezvous meeting for us. I want us to meet there as soon as possible to discuss pressing matters. Until then."The previous few days have all been a swirling blur to you, a mixed-up neverending stream of day after day after day, meshed into one long tirade. Coping is hard, it's been rough since things came to change.
You feel rather lonely, more desolate than you've ever felt in ages. Now when you go to bed, you don't wake up halfway in the middle of the night to hear the slight sound of a pencil writing away at a new entry, and the only cold voices you hear are the ones in your head.
In short, you don't do well with change, that's blatant right off the start.