>>36422057Has a little sister whom he either lost or doesn't see very often. Likes aircraft in general.
>>36422028Not very open about their feelings. Prefers being alone.
>>36422016Likes dinosaurs going "rawr", though I can't figure out why you'd prefer mommysaur over rhydon.
>>36422004Probably listens to techno.
>>36421853You're fat but your mother prefers telling you you're "big boned". You're otherwise a strong-headed individual who doesn't stop to get what he wants.
>>36421806You like birds, and you really don't like sleeping in beds different than your own.
>>36421754You're a contrarian. Most people don't like snakes but you'd gladly have one as a pet just to see other people's reactions (and distract them from the fact your house/basement is a mess).