>>27040762>Being afraid to go outside due to fear of being killedI'm not saying niglets aren't dumb because literally anything can happen when you're outside and you're not being careful, that's called "being distracted as fuck over one fucking shallow game". Just be fucking wary, is that too bloody hard.
But these nig nogs are afraid for some reason and it's due to some white ass fuckers who get scared over the littlest fucking shit a nig nog does and kills them REGARDLESS of being innocent or not.
I ain't saying kill all the silly white people just because some uniformed fruitcakes just so happen to be total wusses, but jesus fuck, stop giving weapons and police uniforms to these fucking retards who think they have the right to deliver "justice" this way. I ain't also saying all black people are saints either, some are definitely shady, but don't just fucking go "ALL BLACKLETS ARE PURE EVIL" and kill a twelve year old either to re-assess your manhood over the race.
Fucking America, do something right for once.