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This is my team so far. What do you all think?
I have went through victory road and battled every trainer possible without losing a single pokemon and I have now made it to the pokemon league. I also beat my rival Barry for the final time which each member of my team got to take out atleast one of his pokemon. Avian took out his Staraptor, Rapunzel took out his Floatzel, Pablo took out his Rapidash, FrostBite took out his Torterra, Blaise took out his Heracross and Jenny took out his Snorlax. All six of my pokemon are beloved members of my team who have helped me out so much and after a few days of grinding them all to a perfect level to take on the pokemon league, they will all face the final challenge of their lives. They have to win for all the pokemon that have been killed.
Any advice for the pokemon league? I'm already expecting a tough challenge but for once in a nuzlocke, I would like to beat Platinum as its my favourite game. I don't want that dream to be destroyed.