>>53536659He is failed fangame dev who probably got kicked out of the community for being toxic. Now he is angry that other people are finishing what he couldn't finish. No matter what we do, he hostilizes people, either for putting work in the game or not putting work in the game. There is no getting away.
See through his mindset and the mindset of other people who just nag: should there ever be 176 Pokémon, he will complain that we don't have enough because a later gen Pokémon is not in the game. If that species is put in the game, he'll complain that it does not have full compatibility and custom sprites for the entire established set.
I had to leave the thread for a while and let it sink in that this dude is either a troll or a sad person.
>>53536646I neither wasted my life on IF, nor anyone else. There were a lot of skills being developed when it came to programming, marketing, community management, sprite art, and so much more. God forbid people decide what they do with their time!
I lashed out and got "mad" for purely comprehensible reasons. You are berating a lot of hardworking smart people for having a hobby they are passionate about.
>>53536705He is aggresively ignorant of how the development happens. I'm not surprise his one project failed, he probably lashed out at his own partners because they were putting effort in their work.
I don't see how putting seven years in your life in a free game for other people to play is bad.
>pic related is one of the random "AI" generated pokémon you can get in the game. I bet he can't make anything better