>>35171701You really enjoy Taco Bell.
>>35171640A total bro, but you secretly like some really girly anime/mango
>>35171608You listen to Metallica and don't care what anyone thinks about it.
>>35171353So edgy that your parents don't even talk to you anymore.
>>35171345You were taken to the zoo a lot as a child.
>>35170112Despite accusations of being a potential school shooter, you actually are anti-gun af and prefer the bow.
>>35169968You once ate a raw egg.
>>35169487You grew up without a father figure.
>>35169130You've fapped to ponies at least once.
>>35169102Literally Eric Cartman.
>>35168784Probably cheated on a significant other at least once in the past and secretly feel really bad about it even today if it was a long time ago.
>>35168741You draw a lot but don't think your artwork is very good even though all your friends support your hobby.
>>35168725You've smoked weed at exactly 4:20 AM/PM at least once just for the lulz.
>>35168609Your mom bought you Pokemon Red or Blue when you were younger and surprised you with it, and you thought that was the tightest shit.
>>35168431You've contemplated suicide frequently over the past five years.
>>35168392Probably fat.
>>35168375You find it really easy to get along with children and have probably considered working with them as a profession.