>>48974474Well, I did the postgame fights. Unfortunately, there's not much to say about any of them. I did the singles gym rematches w/ legendaries and the various fights like Cynthia, Green, etc. scattered around the map.
Even though I did the gym fights with legendaries (leading to some pretty funny scenarios like Brawly having five legendaries including Mega Mewtwo X or Norman having Arceus), I also gain 3 legendaries of my own immediately upon starting postgame in Magearna, Cosmog, and Melmetal, last one I guess technically isn't an Alolan mon, but eh, part of the Gen 7 dex. Most of my strategies were pretty simple - Flame Orb a lead then setup when they had a physical lead, change weather like against Roxanne, Flannery and Juan who abused it, bring counters as necessary. Next run I do, if it's not on Insane, I'll probably ban the first two strategies and also have every gym Norman and afterwards be on the doubles legendary modes to mix things up. I also want to see if later updates bring more challenging postgame fights.
I was going to do Unbound or something like Blaze Black/Volt White 2 next, but they're both getting updates soon-ish, so I'll hold off. I might actually try doing a nuzlocke comic with some challenge like a monotype on an easier game, we'll see.
>>48982292Good luck anon! Even though you do have Cheeks, finding Munchlax on Honey trees as soon as you get to Floaroma (which are revamped and are more tolerable now) is still a good idea for the chance of having Lefties.
>>48983793While Froslass is good for the Chomp, I think you have a much bigger problem with Milotic. I don't think Hex will kill and it has Mirror Coat and Recover, plus matches up really well versus your whole team.
I do like the mon, but I kind of think Rampardos could probably be swapped for a more reliable answer to that thing, it doesn't do a ton in the league.
>>48984204Better worried about dying than actually dying, to be fair.
>>48984859What do you have access to?