Good afternoon /shw/. Time to get back on the ride for a shiny!
>>19605665>>what you huntin?Wooper
>>why you huntin it?It's adorable as hell and I still need a shiny Unaware one
>>what method?MM, it's the only way I can get Recover on it
>>What kind of music are you into?I can usually find at least a couple songs in a genre that I can like, but I really like old songs that prominently feature a piano. Something about the sound is just super relaxing
>>What’s your earliest memory?Seeing
the opening cutscene to Gradius 3 on snes>>What’s the biggest turnoff in a man/woman?They don't like Pokemon. I know it probably sounds pretty minor, but it's a dealbreaker for me.
>>favourite food?Umm...I guess pizza, especially now that
I get them super cheap because got a job at a pizza place recently>>Do you have any strange phobias?That the people I care about most will turn on me out of nowhere for no reason, but every time I think that I force the thought out of my head, because I cant bear to think about it.
>>What if you had three wishes - what would you wish for?1: Enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. I wouldn't want a VAST amount of money, just enough to get a modest home where I want to live, enough to pay the bills for it, enough to see friends with, and a fair amount of money for spending money
2: To have my old cats back and for them to be immortal, at least until I die.
Upon death, going on a pokemon adventure. I know it sounds autistic, but whatever