>>52173064Nope. All three editions (the regular in a normal jewel case, the limited edition with the DVD, and the limited edition with the BD) have the same tracks: the 4 Journeys OPs and 2 EDs. So the "exclusive" is the DVD/BD, which have 9 videos on them: 3 full-length music videos for 1・2・3 (v1, v3, and v4), with v1 and v3 being the official band music videos you can find on YouTube and v4 being a Journeys clip compilation; then the 4 OPs textless, without either the credits or the lyrics text; and then the 2 EDs textless, without either the credits or the lyrics text. Honestly, I have no real complaints since I'd wanted a physical release for 1・2・3 since literally the first one came out in 2019, and was super salty when it appeared it was going to be doomed to digital-only hell. Also, I'd really wanted textless HD copies of the OPs because they have such nice animation (case in point, see the OP gif). I really was just blindsided by the size, because I'm still the one CDfag in the world, holding out against the digital meme and the renewed vinyl meme. I ripped both the CD and BD, so I'm debating whether to just frame the album art like I've seen others do with records and laserdiscs. Maybe if Zeno does a nearby con, I might have him sign the album and/or the included poster.