>>56072436>its a sign of autism, caring about what type of phone OTHER people use kekSo you go for autistic girls now or...?
Holy fuck, postfuck, do you read your own words? It's the second time in this thread you're an absolute embarrassment.
>>56072465>so again, its not about "muh blue bubz"Holy mother of all cope, you JUST SAID IT HERE
>>56072400>the app still runs like ass but i have blue txts for the ladies nowAnd then you try to make it about "missing features" (which you never mentioned) to not appear as a retard, and about "insufferable androidfags" which aren't even present in this thread
>then you actively choose to not have the same messaging platform as your partner its kinda fucked upBrother in Christ, all your points are fucked up and not just kinda fucked up. Carving a life together? By switching to the ultimate consoomer cattle status symbol? You're carving a life together by getting a fucking iphone?
What happened to you, postcard?
>>56072512Holy shit, stop. He made a point about garbage human beings (which he is correct about), not android phones.
What the fuck happened to you, postfuck? Are you drunk or did something horrible happen to your life?
>>56072518I did once, I actually liked it a lot. It was a time when android was still a hot buggy mess and WP8 was qucik smooth as butter. The downside was the amount of store apps, but I didn't care for them. I think those Nokia devices were also the last ones to be manufactured in Finland
Then MS shitted out W10 and they went to shit and the OS quickly died
>>56072550Kek, I can't believe there exist Peridot players. My Samsung A53 5G still cannot even install it
>>56072607Not that popular, no dead bodies, spoofing since the remote nerf last year
2 more shiny legends I'm missing, then I'm free