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>INB4 no everything has to be power
>they are fucking legendary pokemon they shouldn't suck ass
Abilities: technician
Moves: vacuum wave, draining kiss, air cutter, clear smog
Abilities: Magic Guard
moves: Healing wish, defog, morning sun, earth power
Abilities: Rough Skin
moves: flash cannon, eerie impulse
NEW sig move: Revival Shock- Special electric version of Retaliate
moves: snow powder, Electrify
NEW sig move: Revival Burn- Physical Fire version of Retaliate
moves: superpower, crunch
NEW sig move: Revival Wave- Special Water version of Realiate
moves: Power Gem, hurricane
Abilities: No guard
move: Dragon Rush, Power whip, Meteor Mash, submission, metal sound, cross chop
Abilities: Intimidate
moves: Amensia, Head smash, power trick, heat crash, heavy slam, thunder punch
Abilities: Filter
moves: Night Shade, Dazzling gleam, power gem, mirror coat
Abilities: Klutz / Defeatist
moves: Thousand waves
Abilities: Aura Break (now also keeps pokemon from mega evolving while on the field)
Moves: thousand waves, thousand arrow