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would like opinions on what to MM next since I just hatched this beauty and have nothing else to do. (Also giving away all the leftovers from this. all are 4-5 IV Impish Duskulls)
I have a 6 IV Ditto so I could breed anything with good IVs, but its easier to use others leftovers for quicker set up. These are good egg move mons i have to choose from:
Mudkip: Adamant, 5 IV, Avalanch, Curse and Mirror Coat
Totodile: Adamant, 4 IV, Aqua Jet, Crunch, Ice Punch and Dragon Dance
Roselia: Timid, Naturak Cure, 5 IV, Spikes, Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder and Synthesis
Scraggy: Naught, Shed Skin, Low Kick, Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch
ill giveaway leftovers of whatever is chosen whenever i start breeding it, probably later tonight