>>44212337I am extraordinarily busy, but given the current events surrounding Pokemon, I want to gauge interest for the return of the Reborn playthrough. I think we have could all have a good chuckle and see how things could be much, uh, different from what Game Freak and TPCi want to do with the franchise.
Archived links for the curious:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/38462691/#38462691https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/38558026/#38558026https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/38594410/#38594410https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/38605010/#38605010If yes, I'd also like to know if people want a redo, or a continuation of what we have. A full reset with me having to read the story so far all over again my result in my suffering permanent brain damage, so it's not an option taken lightly.