Quoted By:
>people were expecting "garchomp but worse"
>it could setup on more than half the meta with Substiute, the other half couldn't revenge kill it unless it's weakened and you pack HP Ice/Draco Meteor, forget about revenging DD sets
>Access to Coil to boost it's obscene Defense further while also hitting harder
>Access to Glare to screw over any not immune mon royally, probably leading to full para turns for Zygarde to setup again
>Power Construct activation requirement was a good thing, because that means that you could spam Substitute on something that can't hurt you and you'll end up "healing" a little after transforming
>had Dragon Tail for Pokémon trying to phaze it out with Roar/Whirlwind
>had toxic for the few actual mons that could switch into it
>didn't even mention it packs perfect coverage in a single move, meaning you can customize it a lot
>RestTalk sets literally never died
This shit was banned in like 2 days, the first day was wonky because people thought it lost Dragon Dance or something
>50% forme stayed
>it centralized the shit out of OU anyway and was top tier the whole gen until it got banned