>>49231229And done. From this perspective, some interesting details come to light. Ghost and Fairy are colour-monotypes in Gen 1 and they both match up exactly to their later characterisations, and ditto-ish for Steel. Dragon meanwhile has no one predominant colour, and similarly they've never had exactly one tone for that type, bouncing between bluey-purples, reds, whites and gold-brass tones, much like this set.
Bug is very open ended, yet its top two hues average out to grant the olive-green colour that has been official since Gen 3. Grass, Fire, Water and Electric are all very predictable, yet again we can see something interesting with the colour Orange - before it was secondarily Water type, and now here we can see that it's the second most prominent Grass colour. Since orange basically covers red, it reflects the universality of this colour among prominent mon and types in general.
Poison is chiefly and strongly purple, yet green stands out as a signficant second and there's a lot of variety down there. In many works of fiction, poison is represented through any contrasting set of hues, but especially green and purple. The three earth types are near indistinguishable, which lends a sort-of retro colour support for the longstanding argument of a type merger in this department. Since there's no beige or cream colour, Normal is the Brown-and-Purple type, which has held up over the gens. Flying is also diverse, with brown as its main colour and blue secondary. In the future, Flying became the light blue or cornflower type, and I think that sort of comes through here since the brown represents the Normal influence.
Lastly, Psychic is actually more yellow than pink or purple lol. It's possibly just a coincidence, but bright yellow and gold does suit intense mystic powers.
>>49231393'scuse you, the term du jour is "schizo". I am "schizopostin" thank u, autism is so last year.
>>49231469Cute! Having a gaming mother in the 90's was rare mang.