What is Pokenchi? Read this info guide:
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?646717-Pok%E9nchi-(Gathering-in-the-Pokemon-House-)-Discussion-Thread THEME SONG:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Eh4djMATM Today:
>Using the Internet to Trade Pokémon with Pokénds that Live Far Away! / Koike Nyarth Has Her First Pokénchi Battle!Today's guests: "Comedian" Sunshine Ikezaki and best idle Miyu Koike
Stream at:
https://ok.ru/videoembed/2044227296884 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-ATHY_XKSA >Let's use video calls to spread the circle of Pokénds! We use the Internet to trade Pokémon with Pokénds that live far away! Koike Nyarth has her first Pokénchi battle! How does her match against Sunshine Ikezaki go? >Summary:>Let's use video calls to spread the circle of Pokénds! We use the Internet to trade Pokémon with Pokénds that live far away! How many people can we trade with while calling them via video calls? Abareru-kun has a hula hoop contest with a Pokénd who's a huge fan of him! What kind of Kyodaimaxed object are we shown by a Pokénd from Okinawa? And what does it say in the letter that really shocks Abareru-kun?! Koike Nyarth shows up as well, and has her first Pokénchi battle! Her opponent is Sunshine Ikezaki, who defeated Abareru-kun last time! Who will win?