Silvers is pretty basic but remains pretty "edgy" for a long time and is introduced early.
Gladion doesn't really get a whole lot time between he is introduced and he gets his edginess disassembled, especially sicne he is completely right in calling out Hau for being a kind if a asshole for not taking his Pokémons efforts seriously. But ultimately Gladion is great at the time he is doing his thing, though frankly he suffers for me personally due the whole "Lucario rather then Silvally is the Z-Move user" thing.
Hugh has a early intro and a long arc, but having his edginess just hyperfocused on PLASMAAAAAA just kinda has him come off as kinda normal a lot of the time.
>>52556919Klara (and Avery) are great, but i wouldn't really call them edgy, just assholes like Blue.