Quoted By:
Don’t even reply with (you) or anything else. Do not claim bait, do not even try starting a Gen War.
All I want to see from all of you, and I do mean every single one of you unworthy fucks, is “”bows””
That’s it.
You’re lucky I even took the time to browse this shit show of a site, you’re lucky I even sparked the beginning of a thought on /vp/.
As the only multi Worlds winner, in a row, and the only American to dominate every part of the world, and getting my start when Red and Green launched in Japan; I’m owed none of your lip. None of your bullshit. I don’t care. I’m waiting to board a flight to Japan at the moment, and this is the only and I mean ONLY reason I’d ever grace this place with my presence.
I will accept kissing of my feet also, but mostly I just want your bows.
So you not only understand and recognize what cane before you and will remain above you without fail but that Generation One is without a doubt The winner. GenWonner; as you may of remembered misspelling it.
So no inb4’s no t.’s nor /threads. No autism or niggers or faggots here. Not on my side, anyhow.
Only superiority. Lording over you and everything else Pokemon. Even the Company bows to me.
So now it’s your turn. Mods, Admins, Janitors, Users, all of 4chan really.
You don’t get much more famous than I.
So you’re lucky to even have me.
Now with all this out of the way..
Bow, now.