>>19921646"WELL WHAT DO WE DO!? She's STILL in there! I have her captured but I have no idea what to do afterward! And oh, I am still so late! There exists no world in which anybody will accept an excuse as big and nonsensical as this one!--NONE I TELL YOU NONE!"
The Dodo slams one of his beaks on the Bunnelby's head, then starts pecking him madly, he speaks with the other one, "Calm down, calm down! There's no need to worry! The solution is clear!"
"OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW--What is that we need to do?!"
"We need to destroy your condo." he declares, rather seriously at that.
The Bunnelby's eyes pop out of his face, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!?!?!??!? BURN DOWN MY HOUSE!? What a completely ludicrous idea!....all my stuff is in there!"
"Exactly! Thank goodness insurance exists, all of your stuff is covered, Mr. Bunnelby. Now, if you'll notice, the Lizard Formerly Known as Bill has arrived, I invited him to assist us in the demolishing."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNJ1B_2b17sThe Bunnelby looks to his immediate right and comes face to face with a Heliolisk, "I didn't even see him come in!"
Meanwhile, Alice has managed to untie herself from the cocoon of ropes, as the Bunnelby is unable to tie good knots since he has no fingers to tie knots with. After falling to the floor with a thud, she gets up and realizes something.
"'M ded.."Unless she can think quickly, that is.
A) Go fetch those gloves. They might be wrecking ball-proof.
B) Eat out the Bunnelby's fridge. Gonna die, might as well die on a stomachache.
C) dude it's just a route 1 rodent just kick him or something lol