I’m bored and watching some random show with my roommates, time to do some random “fixes” nobody fucking wants
Florges. Flowermon. Do what everyone suggests for every fucking Pokémon and give it Earth Power.
>>47097042>Eldegoss? Should’ve got an evo. It goes from young flower to old cotton bloom, so next step is a Grass/Ghost piece of picked cotton. Sounds a bit racist now that I think of it lmao. Anyways, it’d get some Ghost, Dark, and Psychic moves. Give it Earth Power too, and maybe even Mystic Fire to target Dark-types.
>>47097388>KlinklangAll it needs (and deserves) is EdqeQuake which both kind of fit it. Maybe a stronger Dark move since it already learns a couple but it doesn’t really need them.
>>47097413>LilligantHonestly mostly just got power creeped, it was fun to use in Gen 5 because of how strong its Petal Dance shenanigans were. Just slap Earth Power on it desu. Also Weather Ball if it doesn’t get it already? Dazzling Gleam just because other flowers get it.
>>47097497>Gastly GameFreak fixed this already. Gengar needs Levitate back though.
>>47099895These threads have caused me to develop a massive apathy for Typhoidsion but let’s just say Earth Power and Nasty Plot because it’s a honey badger. Its stats are the issue.
>>47099949Never mind, I’d take away Eruption since you spammed the thread with shitty uncropped phoneposts.