>>50346828>Hoenn in particular is just as bad about it as Sinnoh.This simply isn't true. I can see such an argument made with Johto (though, unlike Sinnoh, Johto makes up for its reliance on Kanto Pokemon by having variety in Kanto Pokemon). I can't see such an argument made for Hoenn at all. Hoenn does not sacrifice its identity at the pedestal of Kanto nearly as much as Sinnoh does. The only examples I can think of are maybe Tentacool on the water routes and Oddish on both Route 121 and the Safari Zone. In fact, quite a few Kanto Pokemon are made quite rare in Hoenn in comparison to Hoenn Pokemon, e.g. the Jigglypuff grass near the Meteor Falls Rustboro exit or Horsea being one of the rarest fishing encounters. In Sinnoh, it is almost always the reverse, e.g. Hippopotas being rarer than Geodude in the only place where you can obtain Hippopotas prior to the postgame. You can't even obtain any Kanto Pokemon in Hoenn until Granite Cave. On the other hand, you can obtain Geodude and Zubat as soon as you reach Ravaged Path in Sinnoh, before you even get to Oreburgh. Geodude, Machop, and Zubat are ubiquitous whereas Cherubi, Hippopotas, Croagunk, Skorupi, Carnivine, Drifloon, Finneon, etc. may not even be encountered in a vanilla run outside of trainer teams.