composition that just barely does the job if you take away the shitty harmony. However, it's the shitty harmony that really cements this as complete garbage - it provides no melodic value and "wow this place is creepy" can be done in more productive ways than "play random notes". In addition, it doesn't even loop with the rest of music, instead looping slightly out of sync. This means that what should be a minute-ish loop is now several minutes long, because the track has to loop several times before the harmony is resynced.
Most importantly, however, is the section about 33 seconds in on the original. You hear how it pauses for a few seconds, before coming back in with a screech? That's a programming error. It's not intentional. Now, any sane company would just fix this in future versions of the game. However, not only is this present in all GB variants of RGBY, it's also intentionally placed into the FRLG and LGPE variants. FRLG seems to intentionally try and make the screech work, while LGPE just makes it feel awkward as fuck when the xylophone pauses for a brief moment (when it would usually be screeching).
At the very least, both FRLG and LGPE fix the looping issue. FRLG does this by removing the harmony during the outro, while LGPE does this by playing different random notes during the outro. Every official variant of this track is garbage, though. FRLG only barely makes itself passable by adding proper atmosphere to the track, especially during the outro.