>>19824028"UM. WOW RUDE. Who the fuck are you calling 'chick', you little shit? I am who I am and who I want to be is not determined by you somebody who I have never met but rather determined by again, me myself, and I, I'm a fucking guy who wishes to be a girl that only looks like a girl from far away. I'm currently undergoing sixty-seven operations and surgeries in order to redirect the nerves in my brain so that my retinas convince myself that I am a girl when I look in the mirror and a girl is WHO I WANT TO BE YOU LITTLE CISSHIT, this process is done by shaving my corneas down with an iron until they burn tunnels straight toward my brain that is why I have no visible corneas SO YOU CAN JUST GET OUT OF MY FACE WITH THAT SEXUAL STEREOTYPICAL FLIRTING AND PISS OFF BACK TO THE 1950'S WHERE YOUR BACKWARDS UNCULTURED SWINE PIG RACE BELONGS....little shit."
>What do you say next?