>>48422117Introvert by nature. Specifically INTJ
>>48422429You have enough social life to have a friend group or two, but have also referred to a pokemon as "sexy" or "beautiful" before
>>48422541You understand your short comings and try to compensate with humor
>>48422752You are on the femanine/flamboyant side
>>48422845You are a creature of habit, borderline OCD
>>48423023You have stage freight
>>48423034You enjoy a sport a lot. I am going to say baseball, and you own at least 2 jerseys
>>48423094You proudly identify as atheist
>>48423166You are the kid from the playground that would ask other kids if they would dare you to eat things that you were going to eat anyway
>>48423179You are a functioning member of society and also a bit racist
>>48423428You are a bit of a megalomaniac
>>48423520You make adult diaper videos
>>48423569You really want to be an artist deep down, but know you don't work hard enough
>>48423708You are athletic to a pokemon-fan degree
>>48424411You are relatively realistic, but cut yourself short in a self-fulfilling prophecy way
>>48425896You actually love Elon Musk
>>48426014You are aggressive towards your parents
>>48426144You actually believe in gender dysphoria
>>48426219You are a chubby chaser
>>48426418You would be OK with being homeless
>>48426437You value your music taste too much
>>48426522You carry yourself higher than you actually feel on the inside
>>48426985You are easy to talk to
>>48426998You are not easy to talk to (and you are snarky about it)
>>48426999You love symbolism
I can't keep going. I didn't realize how big this thread was until just now.