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Pokemon + and - :I hope this is real. I really do. The very basis of all of it sounds so good.
>GameFreak were one of the first development studios inside Nintendo to receive Alpha-Prototype hardware, now have been upgraded to the Beta-Prototype hardware above.
>Have a few areas marked out, TONS of concept art traveling between Pokemon Company and Nintendo Co Ltd.
>GameFreak plans to completely overhaul the basic systems of battle, simplifying the process.
>The development team is “going to put a lot of ideas they have wanted to do for years in this game”.
>Two versions already have code names, possibly final: Pokemon Plus and Pokemon Minus.
>Theme is “Old Tradition VS New Exploration”
>New region, no name yet, is based on South East Asia with one large peninsula and many smaller islands.
>The main legendary for Pokemon Plus is a Shi Foo Lion-looking Psychic/Ground-type that has multiple faces, the Pokemon Minus legendary is a Ghost/Fairy type that has two dashes for eyes and is a hurricane-like appendages with many arms and hands.
>More traditional Pokemon-like gameplay will be on the Handheld controller while an all new gameplay aspect will be on the Terminal unit.
>The “Pokken Fighers” render that was teased was running on Alpha kits, Beta kits now have advance cell shading. Going for very detailed “living anime” look.
Routes connection the island together are water bridges but clumps of island are connected together by underwater tunnels.
>Many Pokemon from Hoenn and Sinnoh will make a return.
>New Pokemon Type similar to Shinies, no details yet on how they work but I’ve been told they “change the game significantly”.
>The “Mainland” is an MMO-like environment that is exclusive to the Terminal and is shared by both versions.
>Players all over the world online can chat, trade, intermingle and experience new-updated story lines on the mainland.