Investigating the red stuff and the scrap heap were bad end paths.>>11870055-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>Segment .5 [FINAL] - One Last Job - Unova - Hilbert> --> TWO YEARS BEFORE NATE & ROSA. <--Just as the going gets good, the good gets going. Your spirit de-synchronizes from the boy's, and is flung to its final destination. The trip is the longest, but the soul synchronization progress is actually the fastest so far. But as soon as your spirit connects, a bunch of nonsensical strings of code override you, glitching the whole process up.
. . .
. . .
. . . Nuvema from boy old year 15-13 aged ambiguously the ,Hilbert are You. all at night last happend that nothing remember you And. Nothing 0110111001101111thing. Zip. Nada.
Eyes that are yours open, but you find yourself in where?
Space blank.
Remember you recall being in City Castelia, now aren't you, or are you? You're in a space time blank continuum vacuum in nowhere of the middle.
Artifacts glitchy are everywhere, like TV wrong encoded, like story wrong encoded, words, structure, WORDS, do not comprehend flow. Memory is not present.
"Huh...Where am I?" you around look for people, but none there are to assist you in your time of want.
>Stuck in nowhere of middle with explanation none. Head where?A) Is where she? Check near hydrant fire.
B) Otter what where how? Check pond Ducklett park near.
C) Artifacts interact, glitchy they are why but?
D) System must reboot want does it?