Quoted By:
>no matter what you do or what you say, nobody outside of this thread will ever believe you when you say that the anime is good, has gotten better, and is no longer kiddyshit
>the best thing you can do is confuse them by posting Savior-tier pics with Misty-referential subs
>they will still think the anime is shit because they only watched the dub as a kid and have far since outgrown the normal Pokemon 90's phase
>they might even still think 4Kids does the dub
>they probably don't even know that 4Kids is fucking dead
>they will just continue to watch their shitty seasonal anime and worship their seasonal waifus
>every other Pokemon "anime community" is sheer autism that we ridicule everyday
>even the rest of /vp/ outside of these threads still hates the anime, would rather bathe themselves in ORAS hype then give two shits about Ash
>/a/ and /v/ forever cursed with Savior-sub threads
>our thread frequently comes up in threads where you post "generals that you dislike/always hide"
>the ten people in this thread are the only sane people in the internet that you can discuss Pokemon with without fear of bigotry
>but even we have our own autism and maymays
>on top of this, [PM] is the lone lifeline that keeps these threads alive, and as of recently it's been going offline often
>one day [PM] will just shutdown and stop subbing completely
>one day these threads will just stop
>your dudebro best friend on Facebook couldn't care less if Ash finally won the league, he'll just make some argument that Red did it a decade earlier and with much "le cooler pokeymans :^)"
It is both a blessing and a curse.