>>12683412He lets out a final scream as the Gyroids toss him into the kaleidoscope abyss. His burning demise brings a catastrophic destruction to the dimension, quickly, the vortex leading back to the mortal plane closes up, and the one leading back to purgatory is on its way to zipping up to.
Thinking fast, the Gyroids grab you and quickly hurry down the celestial path. But the natural decimation is quick to catch up. The path begins falling apart, cracking up like glass shattered by baseballs.
You can no longer go home.
The Gyroids emit more garbled nonsense as they quickly carry you back to Limbo, sometimes you can hear phrases such as, "rain", "queen", and "paradox", but never do they manage to form a coherent sentence.
The nightmare comes to a close as they return you to Dickston.
You are their mayor now.