>>28369651okay time to blog
Dunsparcefags are the kings of whining. They make people that cry about their favorite character not getting to smash look like very patient people. Constantly, CONSTANTLY crying about a Mega or a cross gen evo pretending nobody likes it. I mean yeah it needs a buff, no doubt but you don't need to shove it up everywhere you go. It almost feels like Dunsparcefags don't even like it with how much they want it to change. Not to mention they keep going on about it being Dragon/Fairy/Ground/Normal/Flying and a super majestic quetzalcoatl when it's just a tsuchinoko. It's fucking stupid how they keep whining that it's underappreciated when if they just stopped for one moment and noticed all the other people saying the same damn thing that they won't keep spewing that shit. Maybe Gamefreak treats it badly, but Gamefreak treats a lot of mons badly, at least Dunsparcefags should have the decency to realize that they have each other.
As for Arcaninefags, they really piss me off. Really, REALLY piss me off. They'll beg even if not as bad as Dunsparcefags at all in this regard for a Mega or something along with pushing this stupid Water Alolan Arcanine meme. They're also the shitty type to go around playing armchair design critic because some designs don't fall into their imaginary Cool/Cute venn diagram. Arcanine is an alright design for a shiisa Pokemon but they fucking deflect all criticism with "BIG FLUFFY DOGGO SHUT UP WHILE I SHIT ON YOUR BROS".