platinum team, working on beating the league(i like to go thru the whole league w/o heals or saving so that's why i'm overleveled, also my team is very poorly built for the types), feebas was a BITCH to get this playthrough i kept falling asleep in bed as i was grinding it haha
>>54916483awesome team OP, i love the variety of types and different points on the scale of cute-cool.
>>54916554i really like this team, it's nice to see someone actually using lumineon(despite how easy it is to get, nobody i've ever seen uses it for their full playthrough) and managing to grind out snorlax.
>>54916606again, i love the variety you've got here, especially with magmar and sneasel; ever since they(and lots of other mons for that matter) got their evolutions most people i've seen completely write off the originals because now they're only seen as NFE's, it's nice to see someone like you break that mold.
>>54916488>>54916827also a very nice team, ampharos, arcanine and flygon are three of my absolute favourite mons, and i really like how the others balance out your team as well