>>13554501Besides the game mechanics of having access to more and more effective balls over time, I think an in-universe explanation could be that in addition to the whole forging-a-bond aspect, pokemon capturing is a bit of a sport, and it'd be boring if the pokemon could not fight back in any way. Most npcs seem to only use regular pokeballs, while all the specialized/more expensive&higher catchrate balls could be for people looking for an advantage in capturing certain exceptionally tough pokemon. The master ball is obviously of very high value and given it's not commercially available barring winning the fucking lottery, likely not mass produced in any way, intended only for emergencies or very, very special cases; the only people with access to them are pokemon research authorities (the professors), people in convenient positions (CEO of Silph Co) or just stinking rich (Cyrus as a head of an energy research company and Team Galactic)
>>13554306aww cmon, pokemon lore is fun