>>15969619"Fen, fen, fen, fen, FENFENFENFENFENFENFENNEKIN!" the fox decides to use Flame Charge on the Cacturne dummy, a simple move with a beneficial side-effect.
She bashes into the dummy, charring its chest and spilling out a bit hay. A red aura then surrounds her.
>Fennekin's speed was raised!Miss Leading crosses her arms, her foot tapping against the ground, a look of wavering approval on her face, "That was good...But not quite what I wanted."
"You should be aware that your special attack far exceeds your normal attack, this goes the same for your defenses. Show me a special move this time."
Understanding what she's looking for, Fennekin nods and growls at the Cacturne dummy. It just sort of smiles at her in return, being inanimate and all.
An Ember chars up the rest of the dummy, blackening it entirely. A simple attack, but it's what the girl wants to see. Fennekin turns to her, quite anxious with what she has to say.
"...You're improving, but not quite. Do you recall the strange auras you gave off a few days ago?"
"Fen, fenne?"
"Yes, that. Can you show me that again?"