>>35763117A lot of the memory stuff seems pretty close to the final game
https://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Gold_and_Silver:RAM_map#Pokemon_1_Settingshere's some addresses for the gold debug build
D6AB pokemon 1
D6B2 pokemon 1 again? idk
D6B3 item held
D6B4 move 1
D6B5 move 2
D6B6 move 3
D6B7 move 4
D6B8 D6B9 ID number
D6BA D6BB D6BC experience
D6D1 level
D6D2 status effect
D6D3 ??
D6D4 D6D5 current hp
D6D6 D6D7 max hp
D6D8 D6D9 1st stat (attack)
D6DA D6DB 2nd stat (defense)
D6DC D6DD 5th stat (speed)
D6DE D6DF 3rd stat (special attack)
D6E0 D6E1 4th stat (special defense)