>>57480522>That doesn't mean anything, it can be updated with [DELUSIONAL HEADCANON BULLSHIT]They didn't list abilites for L: A pokémon as they featured them on the L: A website, but DID list abilities for all the new SV pokémon as they featured them on the SV website.
If they haven't listed abilities next to pokémon listed for L: Z-A, they don't have abilities, simple as that. Not that that means no pokémon will have them of course, remember the stupid cunts actually thought that meant Regigigas was going to be an actual rape train? Instead they coded it in-game to ALWAYS be nerfed for 5 turns in battle, just like in the VGC games as well as gave God the ability to change its Typing on the fly with Its ability. Just means they're not arsed trying to turn L: Z-A into pokémon z, complete with having the CGC game mechanics for the retarded simpletons, easily distracted by the super spehul battle gimmick of their childhood.